Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stormy Weather

The water has finally gone down after near record rainfall a week ago. Things are mostly back to normal, but I thought I'd post a few snapshots of the basement during the "great flood" of March 2011. Here's hoping this isn't a regular event!

Water pours in at the bottom of the wall like a garden hose going full speed. It runs across the floor and into a little depression in the floor where there's a pipe through to the back room... Now we know what that pipe is for!

It comes through the wall here and joins the other stream in the channel along the wall. When we first looked at the basement I couldn't really figure out why there was a concrete trench randomly cut in along the one wall. It all make sense now!
Final destination is the pit of the sump pump. At the peak of the flooding the pump ran nearly continuously.
In the rest of the big room water just seems to bubble up and pour in from just about everywhere. Don't think we'll be storing anything of value down here any time soon!

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